金屬裁板機 3毫米不銹鋼剪板機 2.5米液壓剪板機 深圳液壓擺式剪板機6X2500 100T/2500扭軸數控折彎機 2米5剪板機刀片 折彎機模具供應定制
■ 機架采用整體焊接結構,并經壁爐火回火處理 ■ 液壓傳動,氮氣缸回程 ■ 刃口間隙調整有指示牌指示,調整輕便迅速 ■ 設有燈光對線裝置,并能無極調節上刀架的行程 ■ 采用柵欄式安全保護裝置 ■ 后檔料尺寸剪切次數有數字顯示The machine adopts hydraulic driving, the frame adopts steel welded structure which has sufficient strength rigidity.The machine is equipped with a powered back gauge, on which a manual fine adjusting device a counter is fixed. There is a fast adjusting mechanism for blades gap, a shadow light device ensuring scribing cutting operation a sensitive reliable safety barrier. It can also be equipped with a support conveyor.